About 1 in 4 women have a report of cord around the neck on ultrasound in pregnancy.
Women are often anxious when they find this written in a highlighted format.
What is the umbilical cord?
The umbilical cord is a rope like structure about 50 cm long. It contains blood vessels and carries nutrients and oxygen along with waste products to and from mother to baby.
Why is the umbilical cord sometimes found around neck?
Since the umbilical cord is attached to baby’s umbilicus on one end and the placenta on the other side (which is fixed), the cord moves with the baby and can be found anywhere near the baby’s body including the neck. A long cord can form loops with the baby’s movements.
Can my baby get strangulated by cord around neck?
The baby in utero does not breathe through lungs and so cannot be strangulated like adults by blocking of the air passages. Baby gets it’s oxygen through umbilical vessels in the cord. Oxygen depletion can occur only if the entire cord circumference is blocked which rarely happens.
Watch the full video in Hindi here.
Should I go for a cesarean section before labour as there is a cord around the neck in my baby?
Retrospective data of 182,000 births suggest that a single or multiple nuchal cords at the time of delivery is not associated with adverse perinatal outcomes. Medical guidelines all over the world do NOT recommend a caesarean section for isolated ultrasound finding of cord around neck.
Will I have a cesarean section in labour due to cord around neck in my baby?
All women with cord around the neck can try for a vaginal birth without worry. In rare situations, if the cord gets compressed due to the descent of the cord with the baby , this can be detected and necessary action will ensue. 2 to 3 loops of cord around neck can be an incidental finding in a large number of vaginal births.
Finding a cord around the neck on an ultrasound at 32, 33, 34 or even 37 weeks should not worry pregnant women. In case of any concerns or to resolve further doubts and continue your antenatal journal, with us, we encourage you to come in for a consultation.

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rinku Sen Gupta Dhar
Senior Consultant Obstetrician – Gynecologist
MBBS (Lady Hardinge Medical College), MD (UCMS)
25+ years of experience
Call or Whatsapp us at +919810404057 to book an appointment at either Rainbow Children’s Hospital or Rosewalk Hospital in South Delhi.